Stippling vs flat vs sponge vs Fingers
Whether you use foundation everyday, or just every now and then, every one applies it for the same purpose, to try look as flawless as possible. But how do we do this? And what do you use to apply it,? Fingers a sponge or is it a war between the stippling and flat brush? Who knows... But i'm here to help you decide!
Truthfully I feel every foundation is unique with several different types from liquid to powder and everything in between how can one tool suit all their purposes? It cant, and I honestly cannot give you a direct answer, as it changes depending on your chosen type however I can advise you of what goes best where, based on my research and experience.
The sponge
Starting with the trusty sponge. Typically I would recommend using a foundation brush of any type instead of a sponge. Sponges are made to absorb therefore they're going use your foundation up a lot faster than a brush causing you too start spending more pennies! However if you feel the sponge works best for you, make sure you don't use the same one over and over because they carry bacteria and you don't wanna be putting that on your face, do you!?
Using your fingers saves time and helps you when time is not ticking in your favour. Research shows applying foundation with your fingers isn't as bad as you might think, as long as they're clean! Using your fingers is great when using liquid foundation as unlike a sponge they're not absorbent and fingers can also get into to hard to reach spots giving a flawless look.
Stippling vs flat
M.A.C Flat Brush |
Research shows that an overwhelming amount of people prefer the stippling brush to the flat. There are several reasons for this opinion. One being that many find the stippling brush especially with a liquid foundation is easier to get into those hard to reach areas such as the side of nose which gives a more natural even coverage. The stippling brush is also preferred because it gives fuller coverage enabling people to have an airbrushed finish, and there is reduced chance of streaks, and who doesn't want look like they just stepped out from a magazine shoot.
M.A.C Stippling Brush |
So there you have it fingers over sponges, stippling over flat. Well. Thats what my research and experience shows, but if what your doing works for you, why change? Just make sure you wash your foundation tools regularly with a little mild shampoo or antibacterial handwash to keep them clean, because unwashed brushes and sponges hold bacteria that can cause spots.
Thats all for now the ups and down
Ins and outs of
Victoria Jane
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